
Identifying leadership capabilities from language using AI

London: SAGE Publications, Ltd

Should you brand yourself? Leveraging executives’ communication on LinkedIn for talent acquisition

In 2023 American Marketing Association Winter Academic Conference, 10 - 12 February (pp. 1-1). Nashville: AMA

The effect of cause-related marketing on the green consumption attitude–behaviour gap in the cosmetics industry

Journal of Contemporary Marketing Science, 6(1), 22-45

NGOS and stakeholder cooperation in long term care organizing and delivery: an equal player or an outlier?

SocioEconomic Challenges, 7(1), 31-43

Sustainability motives, values and communication of slow fashion business owners

Journal Of Philanthropy And Marketing, 28(2), 1-13

No woman, no aggressive tax planning?

In The 2nd Baltic Economic Conference, 10-11 June (pp. 1-1). Ryga

Property taxation and aging: the evolving tax structures in Europe

In 27th European Real Estate Society Annual Conference, 2-5 June (pp. 1-12). Kaiserslautern

Property taxation and aging in Europe: a spatial econometric approach

In The XV World Conference of Spatial Econometrics Association, 26–28 May (pp. 1-12). Tokyo

Creating happy endings - building on your foreign work experiences

Relocate Global, 2022, 1-7

Career capital as a key to a successful international career: How different ways of knowing affect the international transfer of career capital

In M. Andresen, S. Anger, A. Al Ariss, C. Barzantny, H. Brücker, M. Dickmann, L. Mäkelä, S. L. Muhr, T. Saalfeld, V. Suutari, M. Zølner (Eds.), Wanderlust to wonderland? Exploring key issues in expatriate careers: Individual, organizational, and societal insights (pp. 59-70). Bamberg: University of Bamberg Press