
Chilean tourism sector “B Corporations”: evidence of social entrepreneurship and innovation

International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 23(6), 866-879

La teoría del refugio de contaminación: efectos de la inversión extranjera directa a escala local en Chile

Revista Jurídicas, 13(1), 24-40

Instancias sociales formales de participación ciudadana para migrantes internacionales no convencionales en Chile

Revista chilena de derecho y ciencia politica, 6(2), 117-143

Euro įvedimo poveikio Lietuvos ekonomikai per pirmuosius penkerius narystės euro zonoje metus vertinimas

Teminių straipsnių serija, Nr. 33, p. 1-56

Natural real rates of interest across Euro area countries: Are R-stars getting closer together?

Discussion paper series, Nr. 24, p. 1-27

Factor for project success: Building upper management support

IRNOP 2018 - Program. Melbourne : Internatio​nal Research Network on Organizing by Projects, p. 1

The electric car charging market in Latvia: Business recommendations for new players in the market

European Journal of Applied Business Management, Special Issue ICABM2022, 1-16

Balancing hierarchy and network: Governance of inter-organizational networks for projects

In European Academy of Management Conference, 15-17 June (pp. 1-40). Zurich: EURAM

A (meta)governance framework for multi-level governance of inter-organizational project networks

Production Planning & Control, 1-20

What’s wrong with being global – an investigation of perception of healthiness of global products

In Groningen-BI-ISM Research Camp in Consumer Behaviour (pp. 1-1). Vilnius: ISM University of Management and Economics