
The human side of robots and the robot side of us: Adjusting social lenses

In International Conference on Organisational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities (pp. 1-13). Brighton, UK

The evolution of entrepreneurial communication in opportunity development

In 2020 Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (pp. 1-1)

Entrepreneurial uncertainty and language games

In 4th Annual Entrepreneurship as Practice Conference and PhD Symposium, 2019 (pp. 1-16). Nantes, France

NGOs and stakeholder cooperation in LTC organising and delivery: An equal player or a stranger?

In Transforming Care Conference, Changing priorities: the making of care policy and practices: books of abstracts (p. 89). Copenhagen, Denmark

Improving long-term care for the elderly: A multi-level framework for inter-sectoral and organisational collaboration

In Aging & Social Change: Ninth Interdisciplinary Conference (pp. 1-1). Champaign: Common Ground Research Networks

Reducing social exclusion by meeting long-term care needs for the elderly: enhancement of stakeholder collaboration and engagement

In Social Citizenship, Migration and Conflict: Equality and opportunity in European welfare states (pp. 38-38). University of Sweden

The value of business accelerators to entrepreneurial learning

In 2021 Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (Online) (pp. 1-1)

Calling and burnout across the life span of healthcare professionals: the role of social worth

In 19th Eawop Congress (pp. 638-639). Turin: EAWOP

Is there a “Gestalt Bias” in indulgence? Subjectively constructing food units into wholes (vs. parts) increases desire to eat and actual consumption

In Society for Consumer Psychology @ Home, 4-6, March (pp. 86-86). Society for Consumer Psychology

Organizing secrecy in inter-firm cooperation

In Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings 2018 (pp. 1-40). Chicago: Academy of Management (AOM)