
Being open, feeling safe and getting creative: The role of team mean openness to experience in the emergence of team psychological safety and team creativity.

Journal of Product Innovation Management, 41(1), 12-35.

Mums trūksta laiko. O kam?

LOGIN 2024, Gegužės 30-31, 1-1

Hubris occurrence, management and accountability in higher education institutions in Australia

Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 1-22

Enhancing education service outcomes through value co-creation

Baltic Journal of Management, 19(1), 103-122

Visitors’ attraction and co-creation at World Expo – a qualitative study unveiling visitors’ delight and engagement with immersive technology

Tourism Recreation Research, 1-23

The future is now: Sustainable practices in project management

Project Management Day, May 16, 1-15

Personalo mobilumas – institucijų bendradarbiavimo kokybės garantas

Tarptautinis mokslinis seminaras Lietuva ir Sakartvelas iš 100 metų retrospektyvos, spalio 11–12 d., 1-30

Promotion hurts brand personality and consumer responses

International Journal of Business & Management Studies, 05(05), 97-106

Decreasing employability with age? The role of automation risk, lifelong learning and occupational mobility

Baltic Journal Of Management, 19(2), 145-162

Reassessing the inversion of the Treasury yield curve as a sign of U.S. recessions: Insights from the housing and credit markets

The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 73, 1-12