
The effect of high-performance work systems on work outcomes of healthcare professionals

In Academy of Management Proceedings (2018, 1, pp. 1-1). Briarcliff Manor, NY: Academy of Management

Using the self-determination theory to understand the impact of HR practices on work engagement and patient orientation

In 3rd EGOS Paper development workshop, November 2-4, 2017 (pp. 1- 1). Brasov: Transilvania University of Braşov

The role of sustainable HRM in the context of emerging technologies: The case of industrial robots

In 12th Annual Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business (12, pp. 1582-1584). Thessaloniki: EuroMed Press

Edith Penrose and Jeffrey Pfeffer and Gerald J. Salancik : Is there room for complementarity?

In Academy of Management Proceedings (2018, 1, pp. 1-1). Briarcliff Manor, NY: Academy of Management

Does social media drive new venture performance?

In 23rd EBES Conference September, 27-29 (pp. 80-80). Madrid: EBES

The impact of market orientation on organizational innovativeness

In 8th Annual global business conference 2017, Dubrovnik, September 27th – 30th,2017 (pp. 22-22). Dubrovnik: Innovation institute

What makes staffs in modern offices happy and productive: the effects of internal and external office environment

In 26th Annual European Real Estate Society Conference (pp. 1-1). Cergy-Pontoise: ERES

Investing into residential real estate in Lithuania - value drivers and risks for individual investors

In 24th Annual ERES Conference, June 28 - July 1, 2017, Delft, The Netherlands (pp. 1-1). Delft: Vienna University of economics and business research institute for spatial and real estate economics

Brexit and the framing of the EU in the media

In International Political Science Association Virtual 26th World Congress of Political Science, 10-15, July (pp. 1-1). International Political Science Association

International youth's image of an "Ideal" refugee

In International Political Science Association Virtual 26th World Congress of Political Science, 10-15, July (pp. 1-1). International Political Science Association