
Making sense in times of COVID-19: pathogen threat shifts consumer preferences for portion size and luxury cues

In 50th Proceedings of the European Marketing Academy, Madrid, 25-28, May (pp. 1-1). Madrid: European Marketing Academy

Career imprints of older workers and proactive behaviors at work in Germany and Lithuania

In 6th Age In The Workplace Small Group Meeting (pp. 28-29). Groningen: University of Groningen; Tilburg University

Sovereign credit ratings and emerging stock markets: The impact of the Dodd-Frank act

In World Finance & Banking Symposium (pp. 34-34). Budapest: Cornivus University of Budapest

Do excise tax changes really affect cross-border beer sales? Micro evidence from the Baltics

In 8th Annual Mannheim Taxation Conference, 9-10, September (pp. 1-1). ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research

Deal-breaker of decentralisation? Risk of automation at the peripheral regions: Working paper

In Annual International Conference 2021 Royal Geographical Society (pp. 1-23). Royal Geographical Society

Exploring human capital sustainability and its outcomes

In British Academy of Management Human Resources Management SIG International Symposium, 13-14 June (pp. 118- 120). Tuscany: British Academy of Management

Antecedents of Human Capital Erosion

In Academy of Management Proceedings (2022, 1, pp. 12835-12835)

Is employer-provided training increasing job polarisation? Evidence from Europe’s PIAAC survey

In Challenges of Europe: Growth, Competitiveness, Innovation and Well-being (pp. 35- 35). University of Split

How sustainability cues in advertising affect consumer’s trust and purchase intention: Slow vs. fast fashion

In T. W. Bradford, A. Keinan, & M. M. Thomson (Eds.), NA - Advances in Consumer Research (vol. 49, pp. 1-5). Seattle: Association for Consumer Research

Role of retail category management decisions in relationship between new product innovativeness and its performance

In 8th EMAC regional conference "Bridging the marketing theory (pp. 24-24). Timisoara: West university press