
Book Review: Dimiter Toshkov, Research Design in Political Science

Political studies review, 15(2), 312-313

Calling over the live-course of health care professionals: career-related outcomes and mediating mechanisms

. In Mini-conference related to the special issue in the journal of vocational behavior on “calling and careers: new insights and future directions, October 13-14, 2017 (pp. 1-5). Amsterdam: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Seeking for a sustainable management of healthcare institutions: The role of HRM practices in the reduction of self-initiated expatriation

In 10th International conference of the Dutch HRM network, Nijmegen, November 9-10 (pp. 1-28). Nijmegen.

The relationship between school principals' and teachers' servant leadership

New trends and issues proceedings on humanities and social sciences, 4(3), 114-122

The SPRINT study: Exploring success factors in long-term care

Sprint Social protection innovative investment in long-term care, November 9, 2017

Assessing profit shifting in Lithuanian firms

SHS Web of Conferences, 92(2021), 1-7

Organisational drivers of academic research productivity: Taking stock of current research and identifying directions for future study

In EURAM 2020 Online Conference the Business of Now: the Future Starts Here (pp. 1-40)

Are concepts of social investment and long-term care compatible? perceptions of long-term care stakeholders in Lithuania

In 3rd Transforming Care Conference: Innovation and sustainability, June 26-28. Milan, Italy

Verslo finansų valdymas

Klaipėda : Klaipėdos universiteto leidykla

Multi-level governance in interorganizational project settings

In British Academy of Management Conference Proceedings 2021, 31 August – 3 September (Online) (pp. 1-20). British Academy of Management