
Moderating role of environmental settings in relationship between product innovativeness and its performance during the launch

Economics and Business, 31(1), 44-54

Mokytojų pasitenkinimo darbu sąsajos su mokyklos vadovo etiška lyderyste ir mokytojų psichologine nuosavybe

Regional formation and development studies, 35(3), 73-86

The concept of crisis management by intervention model for SMEs

Engineering economics, 28(2), 170-179

Authentic leadership: leader-follower relationship genesis

Transformations in Business & Economics, 17(1), 83-100

Dealing with not-knowing in inbound open innovation: A high-tech innovation case

Management of Organizations: Systematic Research, 85(1), 127-152

Borrowing alternatives for households in Lithuania: Current situation, trends and challenges

Business, management and economics engineering, 19(2), 389-411

Exploring the relationship between innovative work behavior and leadership: moderating efect of locus of control

Organization and Markets in Emerging Economies, 9(1), 21-40

Uniqueness perception and willingness to buy protected geographical origin versus doppelgänger brands

Organizations and Markets in Emerging Economies, 8(2), 193-206

The transformation of economies and societies in Central and Eastern Europe – how has it contributed to management and organisation science?

Journal of East European Management Studies, 23(4), 694-701

Dynamic capabilities and their impact on research organizations’ R&D and innovation performance

Journal of Modelling in Management, 12(4), 603-630