
Transforming human resource management: innovative e-HRM value creation for multinational companies

In V. Škudienė, J. Li-Yang, & F. Bernhard (Eds.), Innovation Management: perspectives from strategy, product, process and human resources research (pp. 140-166). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing

Contouring sustainability: cultural configurations of Nordic firms

Management: journal of sustainable business and management solutions in emerging economies, 25(3), 65-73

The effects of urban retail greenery on consumer experience: Reviewing the evidence from a restorative perspective

Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 9(1), 57-64

“Evolutionary Store Atmospherics” – Designing with Evolution in Mind

In G. Saad (Ed.), Evolutionary Psychology in the Business Sciences (pp. 289-317). Heidelberg: Springer

'Nature and I are two': A critical examination of the biophilia hypothesis

Environmental Values, 20(2), 189-215

The Impact of In-Store Greenery on Customers

Psychology & Marketing, 29(11), 807-821

An exploration of the functions of religious monumental architecture from a Darwinian perspective

Review of General Psychology, 17(1), 53-68

Developing and testing new methods for capturing fascinating nature experiences

PLoS ONE 8, e65332

When complex is easy on the mind: Internal repetition of visual information in complex objects is a source of perceptual fluency

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 42(1), 103–114

Up speeds you down. Awe-evoking monumental buildings trigger behavioral and perceived freezing

Journal of Environmental Psychology, 47, 112-125