Sovereign credit rating announcements and Baltic stock markets
Organizations and Markets in Emerging Economies, 2(1), 51-62 impact of sovereign credit rating changes on the stock markets in Central and Eastern Europe
Transformations in Business & Economics, 10(3), 87-103
Insights into Lithuanian students choice of university and study program in management and economics
Management : Journal of Contemporary Management Issues, 18(1), 1-22
Ekonomikos ir finansų užduotys su sprendimais (moksleiviams ir mokytojams): vadovėlis
Vilnius: ISM vadybos ir ekonomikos universitetas
Innovation and financial performance in telecommunication companies
In V. Škudienė, J. Li-Yang, & F. Bernhard (Eds.), Innovation Management (pp. 72-91). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing may not work for everyone: the case of innovative consumers
Organizations and Markets in Emerging Economies, 8(1), 33-43 you feel younger enough to choose nostalgic products? Exploring the role of age identity in nostalgic consumption experience
Baltic Journal of Management, 12(3), 292-306 health: Scarcity cues boost healthy consumption among fast rather than slow strategists (and abundance cues do the opposite)
Food Quality and Preference, 85, 1-10