
A choice experiment into the reward value of viewing natural environments

In Book of Abstracts of the 28th International Conference Association People-Environment Studies, July 2-5 (pp. 37-37). Barcelona: International Association People Environment Studies.

To be good enough: the positive effects of nature on body image perceptions and (consumer) decision making

In Book of Abstracts of the 28th International Conference Association People-Environment Studies, July 2-5 (pp. 37-37). Barcelona: International Association People Environment Studies.

Strategic energy decoupling and green transition in the Baltic region

RSA Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) Conference, September 11–13, 1-19

Wargaming Educations ISM大学2024年春学期 ウォーゲーム活動レビュー

Banzai, 22, 34-37

A thousand faces of a counterinsurgent 対反乱作戦が持つ千の顔

Banzai, 21, 42-45

Firm resilience in multicrisis environment and the role of the boards

In 27th Nordic Academy of Management (NFF) Conference, August 15-17 (pp. 1-1). Reykjavik: Nordic Academy of Management

The effect of consumer participation during the new product development process on consumer brand identification: a gaming industry study

Business Strategy & Development, 7(2), 1-10

Career shocks and subjective career success: a lifespan developmental perspective.

In Careers Division Community Conference, April 18-19 (pp. 1-1). Amsterdam: Academy of Management.

Human capital sustainability and its outcome

In XIII International Workshop on Human Resource Management, September 19-20 (pp. 1-1). Seville: Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Universidad de Cádiz and the European Institute of Sustainability in Management (IESG)

Balancing formal and informal long-term care of older people in changing societies: Case of Lithuania

7th International Conference on Evidence-based Policy and Long-term Care, September 12-14, 1-16.