Dr. Danielle Vinson

Danielle Vinson
Dr. Danielle Vinson

Visiting professor at ISM, Professor of Political Science at Furman University


Danielle Vinson is a Professor in the Department of Politics and International Affairs at Furman University in Greenville, SC, USA.  After completing her PhD in political science at Duke University, she joined the faculty at Furman in 1995 and served as Department Chair from 2009-2015.  Her teaching and research interests focus on institutions in American government with a particular emphasis on Congress and the media.  She teaches courses on Congress, the Presidency, Media and Politics, and American Government and regularly directs the Department’s Washington internship program.  She is the author of the books Congress and the Media: Beyond Institutional Power and Local Media Coverage of Congress and Its Members and has written articles and chapters on Congress and the media and religion and politics in the media.  To escape politics occasionally, she enjoys watching basketball and listening to jazz.

Research areas

  • Political Communication;
  • US Congress, media and religion and politics.

Teaching areas

  • American Government
  • US Presidency and Congress;
  • Media and Politics