Irmina Matonytė

Irmina Matonytė
Irmina Matonytė


Political science professor Dr. Irmina Matonytė teaches courses on politics, political sociology, elites and leadership, Europeanization, public policy processes, and contemporary communication media research. She extensively publishes in recognized international and national scientific journals (such as Europe-Asia Studies, Journal of Baltic Studies, Communist and Post-Communist Studies, Politologija, Parliamentary Studies, etc.) and collective monographs on European identity, the EU, political leadership, coalition governments and elites, women in politics, civil society in Lithuania, Poland, Latvia, Estonia, Moldova, Hungary, Belarus. Irmina Matonytė has conducted and lectured on research at universities in Norway, the USA, France, Germany, Latvia, Russia, and Spain. From 2005 to 2010, she was the president of the Lithuanian Political Science Association (since 2011, she has been the vice-president of LPA). From 2006 to 2012, she was a member of the Board of the International Political Science Association (IPSA, Montreal, Canada), chairing the ‘Membership and Participation’ committee. Since 2008, she has been an expert for the European Science Foundation (ESF). Irmina Matonytė teaches in the BA „Economy and Politics” program at ISM and advises doctoral students. She was awarded the Researcher of the Year award in 2013.

Research areas

  • Governance and Elites (post-communist transformation of political, economic, media, and social elites in the Baltic States, Poland, Hungary, Belarus, Moldova; Europeanization of national elites in EU member states; formation, activities, and dissolution of coalition governments).
  • Public Policy (especially in the fields of equal opportunities, social support, civil society development, civil media).
  • Women and Power (gender aspects in election campaigns, women-leaders in political and business organizations).

Teaching areas

  • Political Sociology (Actor Perspective).
  • Comparative Politics (Institutionalism, Discursive Institutionalism).
  • Civil Society Development.
  • Public Policy Process (policy formulation, adoption, implementation, monitoring, evaluation).


Matonytė I. (2015). National and European gender equality legislation. A mismatch of agendas and hesitant feminism in Lithuania. In G. Yvonne (Ed.). States of  Democracy. Gender and Politics in the European Union (pp. 147-168). Routledge.
Matonytė, I. (2009). From liberal to predatory mass media in post-communist Lithuania. Journalism research, 20, 159-179.
Matonytė, I. (2010). Lietuvos Seimo narės: kas ir kaip vyksta keičiantis politinio atstovavimo tradicijoms ir organizacinėms struktūroms. Lyčių studijos ir tyrimai, 4, 6-19.
Matonytė, I. (2013). The elites’ games in the field of memory: insights from Lithuania. In G. Mink, & L. Neumayer (Eds.), History, Memory and Politics in Central and Eastern Europe: Memory Games (pp. 105-120). Palgrave Macmillan.
Matonytė, I. (2013). Политическое переосмыслениесоветского прошлого: установки и действия литовских элит / Political reconsideration of the Soviet past: attitudes and actions of the Lithuanian elites. Baltic Region, 3(17), 86-97.
Matonytė, I. (2014). Lithuanian parliamentary elites after 1990: dilemmas of political representation and political professionalism. Parliamentary elites in Central and Eastern Europe. In E. Semenova, M. Edinger, & H. Best (Eds.), Parliamentary elites in Central and Eastern Europe: recruitment and representation (pp. 145-168). London: Routledge.
Matonytė, I. (2017). Emergence of political sciences in Lithuania in early 1990ies: the role of multiple social actors and external leverages. In Розвиток політичної науки: європейські практики та національні перспективи, Матеріали VII Міжнародної наукової конференції, Чернівці, 10 квітня 2017 (pp. 13-14). Чернівці: Чернівецький національний університет імені Юрія Федьковича
Matonytė, I., & Bučaitė-Vilkė, J. (2012). Lithuanian’s unnoticed transposition: invisible gender democracy. In Y. Galligan (Ed.), Deliberative Processes and Gender Democracy: case studies from Europe (pp. 163-206). Oslo: ARENA.
Matonytė, I., & Chulitskaya, T. (2010). The third sector and political communication in Belarus: highlights on the topic of social policies from the presidential campaign 2010. Lithuanian Annual Strategic Review, 10(1), 235–263.
Matonytė, I., & Gerazimaitė, G. (2013). Koalicinių vyriausybių morfologija: akademiniai postulaitai, Vakarų Europos patirtys ir atvejai Lietuvoje. Parlamento studijos, Nr. 14, 11-39.
Matonytė, I., & Šumskas, G. (2017). Drivers of euroenthusiasm of national political elites: the test of the EU economic crisis. Corvinus Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 8(3), 115-149.
Matonytė, I., & Vobolevičius, V. (2014). Politinių partijų dalyvavimas koalicinėse vyriausybėse:  atspindžiai nacionalinėje Lietuvos žiniasklaidoje (1996–2013). Parlamento studijos: mokslo darbai, 17, 111-142. 
Matonytė, I., Bernatavičiūtė, G., & Šumskas, G. (2016). The dynamics of Europeanness of Lithuania’s media elite (2008–2015). Journalism Research, 10(10), 21-51.
Matonytė, I., Kazlauskaitė, R., & Poškutė, V. (2019). Ilgalaikė senyvo amžiaus asmenų globa Lietuvoje: visuomenės nuostatos ir paslaugų teikėjų požiūriai. Socialinė teorija, empirija, politika ir praktika, 18, 74-95.
Kazlauskaitė, R., Poškutė, V., Matonytė, I., & Ramonienė, L. (2019). NGOs and stakeholder cooperation in LTC organising and delivery: An equal player or a stranger? In Transforming Care Conference, Changing priorities: the making of care policy and practices: books of abstracts (p. 89). Copenhagen, Denmark
Lašas, A., Matonytė, I., & Jankauskaitė, V. (2020). Facing past, present, and future: the role of historical beliefs and experiences in the Lithuanian public perception of military threats. Journal of Baltic Studies, 51(2), 199-221.
Matonyte, I. (2015). La Lituanie. In B. Nathalie, J.-M. Waele, J.-B. Pilet (Eds.), Les démocraties européennes: approches comparées des systèmes politiques nationaux (3rd ed., pp. 261-279). Paris, Armand Colin. 
Matonyte, I., & Klementjeviene, A. (2011). Ne Europos šalių mokslininkų integracija Lietuvos universitetuose. Public policy and administration, 10(1), 79-90.
Matonyte, I., & Mejere, O. (2011). Politinio atstovavimo galimybių plėtra? Lietuvos parlamentarų požiūrio į moterų kvotas analizė. Parlamento studijos, 10, 51-65.
Matonyte, I., & Palidauskaite, J. (2011). Studentų praktika: nuo konceptualizavimo link jos atlikimo Lietuvos savivaldybėse vertinimo. Public policy and administration, 10(2), 299-311.
Matonytė, I., Morkevičius, V., Lašas, A., & Jankauskaitė, V. (2017). Grėsmių visuomenės gerovei suvokimas: socialinio optimizmo, socialinio ir institucinio pasitikėjimo bei pasitikėjimo savimi įtaka. Politologija, 85(1), 3-55.
Matonytė, I., Šumskas, G., & Gaidys, V. (2018). Europietiškumo rakursai: Lietuvos elitų bei gyventojų požiūriai ir žvilgsnis į kitas Europos šalis. Kaunas: Technologija.
Poškutė, V., Kazlauskaitė, R., & Matonytė, I. (2021). Stakeholder collaboration in long-term care of older people in Lithuania. Health and Social Care in the Community, 30(1), 193-202.
Poškutė, V., Kazlauskaitė, R., Liubertė, I., & Matonytė, I. (2021). Improvement of long-term care for older people via inter-sectoral and inter-organizational collaboration. In 5th International Conference on Public Policy, Barcelona, 05-09, July (pp. 1-1). International Public Policy Association
Poškutė, V., Kazlauskaitė, R., Matonytė, I., & Ramonienė, L. (2018). Stakeholder engagement and collaboration in long-term care of older persons in Lithuania: Key stakeholders perceptions of synergy possibilities and barriers. In ILPN Conference 2018: Book of abstracts (pp. 127-128). Viena: The International Long-term care Policy Network
Poškutė, V., Kazlauskaitė, R., Matonytė, I., & Ramonienė, L. (2019). Caring is sharing: stakeholder collaboration in long-term care of older persons in Lithuania. In 4th edition of the International Conference on Public Policy (ICPP4), June 26-28. Montreal, Canada.
Poškutė, V., Kazlauskaitė, R., Matonytė, I., & Ramonienė, L. (2019). Improving long-term care for the elderly: A multi-level framework for inter-sectoral and organisational collaboration. In Aging & Social Change: Ninth Interdisciplinary Conference (pp. 1-1). Champaign: Common Ground Research Networks
Poškutė, V., Kazlauskaitė, R., Matonytė, I., & Ramonienė, L. (2019). Reducing social exclusion by meeting long-term care needs for the elderly: enhancement of stakeholder collaboration and engagement. In Social Citizenship, Migration and Conflict: Equality and opportunity in European welfare states (pp. 38-38). University of Sweden
Matonyte, I.(2015). Lithuania. In V. Donatella (Ed.), Routledge Handbook of European Elections (pp. 345-389). Routledge. 
Matonyte, I., Šumskas, G., & Morkevičius, V. (2016). Europeanness of Lithuanian political elite: Europhilia, Russophobia and Neoliberalism. Historical Social Research, 41(4), 150-172.