Alfonso Bucero

Alfonso Bucero
Alfonso Bucero

ISM Doctoral student in Management

Alfonso Bucero, MSc, PMP, PMI-RMP, PfMP, PMI Fellow, is the founder and Managing Partner of BUCERO PM Consulting.  He managed IIL Spain for almost two years, and he was a Senior Project Manager at Hewlett-Packard Spain (Madrid Office) during thirteen years. Alfonso is a PMI member, and a member of ALI (Asociación de Licenciados, Ingenieros y Doctores en Informática).  Alfonso was the founder, Sponsor and President of PMI Barcelona, Spain Chapter until April 2005, and he is an IPMA Assessor. He was a member of the CoPAT (Congress Project Action Team) of PMI EMEA 2005 Congress in Edinburgh, 2006 PMI EMEA Congress in Madrid, and PMI EMEA Congress in Budapest. He was graduated in the “Leadership Institute Master Class 2007” on October 2007 in Atlanta (PMI Global Congress). He was the second President of PMI Madrid Spain Chapter. He was a PMI Component Mentor for Region 8 South during three years, and a PMIEF Engagement Committee Member. He received the PMI Distinguished Contribution Award on October 9th, 2010. He also received the PMI Fellow Award on October 22nd, 2011 and the PMI Eric Jenett Excellence Award on October 28th 2017. Alfonso has a Computer Science Engineering degree by “Universidad Politécnica (Madrid)”, a Master Science in Project Management by Zaragoza University (Industrial Engineering School), and now he is working on his PhD. in “Project Management” at the ISM University in Lithuania. He has 38 years of practical experience and thirty two of them in project management worldwide. He has managed and consulted projects in different countries along Europe. Since 1994, he is a frequent speaker at International PM Congresses and Symposiums. Alfonso has delivered PM training and consulting services in Spain, Mexico, UK, Belgium, Germany, France, Denmark, Costa Rica, Brazil, USA, and Singapore. As Project Management believer, he defends that Passion, Persistence and Patience are keys for project success. He authored the book “Dirección de Proyectos, una nueva vision” published by “LITO GRAPO Editors) in IIL Mexico on June 2003. And he is a contributor of Chapter 7 of the book “Creating the Project Office”. Published on February 2003 by Jossey-Bass Editors (San Francisco/California), authored by Robert J. Graham., Paul Dinsmore and Randall L. Englund. Alfonso co-authored with Randall L. Englund the book “Project Sponsorship” published by Josse- Bass Editors by May 2006. He has authored the book “Today is a Good Day” – Attitudes for achieving project success, published by Multimedia Publishing in Canada on last February 2010. He has also contributed to some professional magazines in Russia (SOVNET), India (ICFAI), Argentina and Spain. Alfonso co-authored with Randall L. Englund the book “The Complete Project Manager” and “The Complete Project Manager Toolkit” that was published by Management Concepts last March 2012. Alfonso got published the book: “The Influential Project Manager” on the first quarter of 2014 by CRC Editors in the US. On 2015 wrote a new edition of the Project Sponsorship book co-authored with Randall L. Englund. On April 2017 he got published the book “TOMORROW WILL BE BETTER” through Motivational Press Editors. On January 2019 he got published his book Passion, Persistence and Patience through BEP (Business Expert Press) in the USA. Alfonso has published several articles at national and international PM magazines. He has been a Contributing editor of PM Network (Crossing Borders) during six years, published by the “Project Management Institute”.


Bucero, A., & Alonderienė, R. (2022). Developing organizational context adjustments in project-based organizations. European Journal of Project Management, 12(2), 3-23.
Bucero, A., & Müller, R. (2018). Factor for project success: Building upper management support. IRNOP 2018 – Program. Melbourne : Internatio​nal Research Network on Organizing by Projects, p. 1
Bucero, A., & Müller, R. (2020). Sensemaking by project managers: Previous research, present findings, and future directions. In IPMA Research Conference 2020 (pp. 1-15). IPMA
Bucero, A., & Müller, R. (2021). Organizational context classification in project-based organizations. In British Academy of Management 2021 Conference Proceedings, 31st August – 3rd September (online) (pp. 1-23). British Academy of Management
Bucero, A., & Müller, R. (2021). The organizational context in the realm of projects: a literature review. In British Academy of Management 2021 Conference Proceedings, 31st August – 3rd September (online) (pp. 1- 18). British Academy of Management