Rene Schmidpeter

Rene Schmidpeter
Rene Schmidpeter

Visiting lecturer at ISM, Professor for Sustainable Management and Founder of M3TRIX - Institute for Sustainbale Business Transformation

René Schmidpeter is professor for Sustainable Management at the IU – International University in Germany and Research Professor at BFH in Bern, Switzerland and Visiting Professor at ISM in Vilnius, Lithuania. He is member of the research team of Parmenides Foundation in Munich. Schmidpeter serves as an expert in CSR & Sustainability in many academic, economic and political steering committees as well as sustainable advisory boards. He is chief editor of the encyclopedia of sustainable management, the international journal of corporate social responsibility as well as the international publication series CSR, Ethics, Sustainability and Governance and Responsible Leadership and Sustainable Management. In his book series he published over 150 publications in the field of CSR, Sustainable Management, Responsible Leadership and new approaches in business administration and management science.

Research areas

Sustainable Management
Corporate Social ResponsibilityNew Approaches in Business AdministrationResponsible Leadership

Teaching areas

SustainabilityBusiness EthicsResponsible LeadershipSustainable Management


Bendoraitienė, E., & Darškuvienė, V. (2019). CSR policies and financial risks under stakeholders’ aggressive actions. In R. Schmidpeter, N. Capaldi, S. O. Idowu, & A. S. Herrera (Eds.), International Dimensions of Sustainable Management: Latest Perspectives from Corporate Governance, Responsible Finance and CSR (pp. 133-150). Springer.