Dr. Christopher Kronenberg

Christopher Kronenberg
Dr. Christopher Kronenberg

Visiting lecturer at ISM, Professor for Business Model Design at University of Applied Sciences BFI Vienna

chrkro@faculty.ism.ltGoogle Scholar

Currently I hold the position of an Endowed Professor for Business Model Design and Value Creation at the University of Applied Sciences BFI Vienna, funded by the City of Vienna. My main research focus is the transition towards a circular economy, which I believe is crucial for achieving sustainable development and competitiveness. I explore innovative circular business models and ecosystems, as well as the role of society within this transformation, and share my insights with academic and professional audiences through publications, workshops, and advisory roles.As a course director of the Certificate Programme Circular Economy & Innovation, I design and deliver cutting-edge curricula and learning experiences for students and practitioners who want to acquire the skills and knowledge to implement circular solutions in their organizations and industries. I also teach strategic management, innovation and entrepreneurship, and Microeconomics of Competitiveness, as an affiliate MOC faculty at Harvard Business School. I have gained international and cross-cultural teaching experience, and I support universities in the development and accreditation of new programs. My mission is to empower the next generation of circular leaders and innovators, and to contribute to the global movement towards a more resilient and inclusive economy.

Research areas

  • Strategic Management
  • Innovation
  • Circular Economy
  • Transformation

Teaching areas

  • Strategic Management
  • Innovation
  • Circular Economy
  • Microeconomics of Competitiveness