CEEMAN: Management Development Needs in Dynamic Societies – Implemented

International research projects


Attitudes of Lithuanian citizens towards the co-creation of educational services


One of the main obstacles of welfare state development is weak citizens’ participation in public governance, and low involvement in public services provision. Co-production is proposed as a remedy, however, many foreign researchers, claim that it is too much oriented to service provider and far less to service recipient (Osborne et al., 2016; Nambishan and Nambishan, 2013). Co-production paradigm should be replaced by the “public service dominance” approach and value co-creation, where the customer (in this case, the citizen) is also the creator of service, and his/her experience is the most important factor in value creation (Farr 2016; Osborne 2018).


Thus, the project seeks to identify and explain how and what factors determine Lithuanian citizens’ attitude to participation in the co-creation of the educational services and what impact citizens’ participation has on the quality of the co-created service. It is expected that project results will provide a better explanation of value creation processes of the educational services and contribute to their improvement and accessibility.


Project research leader: prof. dr. Viltė Auruškevičienė

Project research team: dr. Žilvinas Židonis, dokt. Justina Šidlauskienė, dr. Dalius Misiūnas

Project duration: 2021 02 01 – 2022 12 31

This research was funded by a grant (No. P-GEV-21-25) from the Research Council of Lithuania.


Project results

The following results were achieved during the implementation of project:

  1. At the European Academy of Management (EURAM 2022, June 15-17, Zurich, Switzerland) conference, the results of a survey of parents of students about their attitude and participation in co-creation were presented. The conference article was peer-reviewed, the results were published in the conference proceedings.
  2. Scientific article „What drives parents to co-create? The moderating role of ideological orientation and individualism” was submitted to the journal Public Management Review (2021 IF: 6,004).
  3. Scientific article „Enhancing educational service outcomes through value co-creation” was submitted to the Baltic Journal of Management (2021 IF: 2,753).
  4. Public policy RECOMMENDATIONS were prepared and publicized.
  5. A press release was prepared (BNS), an article in the media was also published (Delfi).