RCL: Improving Effectiveness Of Nudges In Promoting Positive Health Behaviors (09.3.3-LMT-K-712-01-0136)

National research projects


The current project represents the first major attempt to develop a new unifying theoretical framework providing deeper understanding of why and under what conditions nudge interventions are effective and when they can produce an opposite boomerang effect.

This project seeks to advance theoretical knowledge and understanding by integrating findings from nudge, error management, fundamental motives and motivated behavior theoretical perspectives. Covering the whole motivational spectrum between intrapersonal and intergroup domains we aim to provide one unifying model which will help develop and test new hypotheses related to nudge effectiveness. Findings of our project may have major social implications and can be applied to address actual social problems, such as reducing unhealthy lifestyles and promoting wellbeing. From a policy making perspective, we offer an overarching framework which can be directly applied in making policy decisions to implement different nudges or increase nudge interventions’ effectiveness. Identifying conditions when nudges are effective and when they may fail will provide insights into how to develop effective communication and education programs that promote health as well as give general guidelines into how to encourage people to make healthier choices.

Project duration: 2018 – 2021

Budget: 596 951,04 EUR

Research leader: Prof. dr. Justina Gineikiene

Project research team: Bob M. Fennis, Siegfried Dewitte, Dovile Barauskaite,  Martin Aubel, Elze Uzdavinyte

Funding: 2014-2020 Operational Programme for the European Union Funds Investments in Lithuania