Sustainable Strategies and New Business Models (GRAB007)

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Course goals

Businesses are facing a perfect storm at the intersection of climate change, energy crisis, resource scarcity, and economic restructuring.  With increasing demands for societal contribution, business as usual is no longer an option.

As is often the case, new risks create new opportunities. Managers that approach the risks through innovative and non-incremental thinking will come up with solutions that help meet the needs of society while delivering returns to shareholders. For that, it is critical to reassess traditional strategies and learn to question some of the linear business model fundamentals.

The current course challenges such pure incrementalism and familiarizes students with impactful sustainability strategies at three levels: product level strategies, business level strategies, and network level strategies. Students will analyze the most impactful business models and economic thinking in each of the abovementioned strategy domains, and (importantly!), managerial mind shifts needed to move towards higher levels of sustainability.

While conceptually rigorous, this course aims to be solutions driven, providing both academically sound and practically applicable insights. Using cases, industry speakers, short quizzes, and a group project, students will sharpen their ability to critically debate complex and systemic sustainable strategy formation issues from an informed position.

Course results

  • To explore how companies can address sustainability challenges while simultaneously building a successful business.
  • To challenge incrementalism in company’s sustainability actions and to develop mental models for the different levels of impactful sustainability innovation.
  • To develop ability to see relationships among multiple, often conflicting, issues in supporting the necessary transition towards a sustainable economy.
  • To appreciate key managerial mindset differences for traditional and sustainable business strategies.
  • To sharpen critical analysis and communication abilities, especially in the context of complex and systemic issues, and apply systems thinking to real-world business problems.
  • To expand general understanding of the complex decisions faced by managers in business, government, and non-profit organizations.
  • To be challenged to clarify your own values and opinions on issues related to sustainability and be able to develop business case for sustainability.
  • To develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills in a team project