Bachelor Thesis (FIN120)

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Course description

A bachelor’s thesis is an independent thesis that recapitulates and broadens the knowledge, skills and abilities gained during studies, and validates the awarded bachelor’s degree in finance. In terms of the content and methods of analysis, the bachelor’s thesis directly and indirectly incorporates the subject matter of various disciplines into a single whole.Bachelor thesis should address relevant financial problems of organizations, or problems of financial markets and institutions. If bachelor thesis analyses the problem of a specific organization, it must coincide with the internship place. Exemptions may be allowed if:

  1. The internship place is at a financial institution or consulting company (such as auditing or accounting company, market research company, etc.), and the student analyses a client company, or addresses a problem which is relevant to company’s clients. This situation must be clearly described in the bachelor thesis, explaining why the company under analysis does not coincide with the internship place.
  2. The internship was completed earlier (not during the same study semester when final bachelor thesis is being prepared) and it is not possible to collect data from that company (the connection between the company and the student was lost, company declared bankruptcy or changed its business area).

The bachelor’s thesis is written in the seventh semester of studies; 15 ECTS credits are allocated to the thesis. The thesis must be written in English.

Course results

  • To be able to identify a relevant research problem of managerial finance, financial institution or financial markets, and to define thesis aim and objectives.
  • To be able to analyse and research the environment of a chosen object (country, market, sector, industry, or a specific organization), financial data and its dynamics applying appropriate theoretical models, and to justify the existence of the research problem as well as the need to solve it.
  • To be able to select appropriate research methods to solve the chosen research problem, to link the review of academic literature with the analysis of a practical problem, to evaluate advantages, disadvantages and limitations of research methods with respect to the research problem.
  • To be able to conduct empirical research and apply its results to solve the research problem. To be able to summarize results, analyse them in detail, provide interpretations and relevant recommendations.
  • To be able to summarize the conclusions of a large scope project (written report) linking them to the aim and objectives of the thesis.
  • To be able to synthesize separate parts of the thesis and tasks into a coherent academic report which demonstrates financial knowledge and competences, and complies with requirements for formatting and scope.
  • To be able to select and apply appropriate theoretical and other sources to solve a particular research problem. To be able to analyse, select and apply research methods clearly demonstrating abilities to apply, analyse and evaluate existing knowledge as well as to create new knowledge (decisions).
  • To be able to manage time while preparing a large scope academic report.
  • To be able to present findings of the thesis to an academic community of peers and defend the thesis by appropriate explanation of decisions and answering the questions of a faculty panel.