Consumption in Times of Crisis: Exploring the Mechanisms of Purchase and Social Solidarity (CITC)

National research Projects

In progress


Project no.: S-VIS-23-1

Project funding: Research Council of Lithuania, Competitive priority research programme “Strengthening Societal Resilience and Crisis Management in the Context of Contemporary Geopolitical Situation”

Project description:

The project seeks to explain how fundamental transformations of the current geopolitical landscape affect consumer resilience and consumer behaviour in Lithuania. Given the scale and scope of geopolitical transformations it seems crucial to get a better understanding of how people organize resilience on markets, and how consumers cope with crises. To address the issue, we develop an encompassing model for the study of crises and consumption in order to identify and connect different socio-economic, ideological and cultural factors for understanding and explaining the relationship. We plan three empirical research streams. Project data and recommendations will allow policymakers to properly calibrate policy measures in order to support consumer resilience under the circumstances of geopolitical uncertainty and market turbulence.

Principal investigator: Viltė Auruškevičienė

Project duration: 2023 07 01 – 2026 06 30

Project coordinator: ISM University of Management and Economics