GUESSS: Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit Students’ Survey

International research projects

In progress


GUESSS is one of the largest entrepreneurship research projects in the world. The project was established in 2003, and it is organized by scholars at the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland, and the University of Bern, Switzerland. 58 countries participated in the last wave of data collection wave, which took place in spring 2021. The next wave of data collection is scheduled to take place in autumn 2023.

Project goal: GUESSS tracks the change in students’ entrepreneurial intentions and activities, including the topic of family firm succession, across multiple countries. The goal of this research initiative is to generate unique and novel insights into student entrepreneurship and provide both academic and practitioner-oriented output.

Some examples of the research topics investigated in this project are:

  • entrepreneurial intentions;
  • nascent and active entrepreneurship;
  • growth and performance of new ventures;
  • family firm succession;
  • factors influencing student entrepreneurship associated with individual traits and preferences, family, and university environment.

GUESSS Country Delegate in Lithuania: ISM University of Management and Economics

ISM University researchers involved in the project: Assoc. Prof. Irina Liubertė (the lead), Prof. Bernadeta Goštautaitė, doctoral student Ieva Žebrytė

Global SponsorEY (Ernst & Young)

Sponsors in Lithuania (2023)Ministry of Economy and Innovation of the Republic of Lithuania

GUESSS Website: