H2020: Social Protection Innovative Investment in Long – Term Care (SPRINT) – Implemented

International research projects


SM participates in this research project as a member of the consortia involving higher education and research institutions from 12 countries: Belgium, Denmark, Poland, United Kingdom, Portugal, Greece, Germany, Hungary, Italy and Finland. The consortia is coordinated by School of Economics and Political Science of University of Warwick (UK).

This complex and innovative research project aims at addressing problems of the rapid aging of Europe’s population by implementing innovative long-term elderly care projects; giving a meaning to the concept of the social investment in the context of long-term care; offering social cost-benefit assessment tools to variety of ways of long-term care for elderly people across Europe.


It is expected that the SPRINT project will contribute to the promotion of social initiatives to ensure the long-term elderly care and social reintegration internationally and in Lithuania; will provide the analysis and suggest possible solutions for the social problems associated with the rapidly aging population.


More information about the project you can find here.
Duration: 01.06.2015 – 01.11.2018
Overall project budget: EUR 1.92 million
ISM budget: EUR 81,625
Leader of ISM part of the project: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Virginija Poškutė
Project partners::
London School of Economics and Political Science (UK)
ISM Vadybos Ir Ekonomikos Universitetas UAB (LT)
Hochschue Fulda-University of Applied Sciences (DE)
University of Piraeus Research Center (EL)
Signosis SPRL (BE)
Roskilde Universitet (DK)
Instytut Pracy i Spraw Socjalnych (PL)
Social Value Network UK (UK)
Universidade do Porto (PT)
Gruppo Cooperativa CGM (IT)
Szegedi Tudomanyegyetem (HU)
Terveyden Ja Hyvinvoinnin Laitos (FI)
Funding: Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme