Innovation management and transfer of technologies – Implemented

National research projects


Objective of the project


As creation of integrated science, study and business centres becomes more and more intensive, training of professional innovation managers and specialists of transfer of technologies is a prerequisite for successful activities thereof. In order to meet these needs, ISM University of Management and Economics plans to develop and implement a Master’s Study programme “Innovation Management and Transfer of Technologies” which will include all links of the process of innovation management and transfer of technologies: generation of ideas, testing, implementation, commercialization and continuity. During the process of development of the programme, an intensive cooperation with the top researchers of foreign universities in the field of innovations will be maintained and traineeships will be organized for lecturers.



Knowledge of the processes of management of innovative technologies will be necessary for the specialists employed in open-access centres, representatives of science and technology parks and staffs of other institutions performing their activities in the field of innovations. 45 students will study under the programme.
Duration: 15-10-2012 – 07-06-2015.
Amount of the project: LTL 1.38 million.
Project manager: Rasa Veleckaitė.