Internationalization process and efficiency of export: a research of the selected Lithuanian high technologies and traditional industries (IN-PRO)

National research projects


Objective of the project


Develop a theory explaining internationalization of Lithuanian companies operating in the context of post-socialist economics. During the research, it is planned to identify the factors enabling to forecast internationalization of companies and to determine the influence of this process to the activities and results of companies. Qualitative case studies are performed and longitudinal data bases enabling to observe internationalization are developed during the research. The research includes both high- and medium- as well as low-technology industries. By implementing the research, it is aimed to expand the understanding of internationalization of Lithuanian companies and to freshly contribute to the research in this field. It is planned to publish the results of the research in 4 international scientific magazines as well as to present them in 6 international conferences and 2 scientific events.



The research is relevant scientifically, since it enables expanding the research of the companies of post-socialist area and questioning the internationalization models developed in the economies of developed countries. The data and insights of the research will be used when developed the study material of the university. Practical significance of the research: the insights and models formulated will help solve the challenges of internationalization of Lithuanian companies as well as develop and implement export strategies. What concerns formation of politics, the research would contribute to development of an effective program of political actions which would induce international development of Lithuanian companies.
Duration: 02-05-2013 – 02-05-2014.
Amount of the project: LTL 536 thousand.
Scientific research manager: Prof. Erkko Autio