Perspectives 360

National research projects


Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation Project
„Perspectives 360“
No. UK/10/LLP-LdV/TOI-371

Project coordinator:


Exponential Training & Assessment Limited;
Project manager – John Moore;
Contact person: Michelle Moore:

Project partners:


Centrul De Inovare Si Dezvoltare De Afaceri;
ISM University of Management and Economics;
KADIS Kadrovsko Izobraževalni mInženiring;
Irish Small and Mediun enterprises Association Ltd;
Chartered Management Institute;
Project duration: 01/10/2010 – 01/10/2012
Project vision: To establish a European-wide network of 360-degree assessment centres and set up the European Management Skills Benchmark Database.
Project aim: To transfer the use of Perspectives 360 from the UK to five European countries thereby testing the feasibility of setting up a European-wide network of 360-degree assessment centres.

Project objectives:


1. To adapt & transfer the 360 skill assessment tool for use with SMEs managers in Ireland, Slovenia, Slovakia, UK, Greece and Romania.
2. To field test/evaluate the effectiveness and impact of the assessment tool with 300 SME managers in Partner countries.
3. To conduct a comparative analysis of the skills of SME managers in Partner countries.
4. To publish a set of national management skills benchmarking reports.
5. To disseminate the project results to stakeholders across Europe.
6. To establish the European Management Skills Benchmarking Database.
7. To develop a strategy to create a network of Perspectives 360 assessment centres.

Project results:


  • Prepared SME Management Skills Benchmark Reports in all partner countries.
  • Prepared  Comparative Analysis of Management Skills in SMEs: UK, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Greece and Ireland (2012).
  • Perspectives 360 ‘back-office’ will be up-graded.
  • Perspectives 360 database and website  adapted, contextualised and translated.
  • Prepared Contextualization and translation of Core and Specific Skills, development actions, website pages and questionnaires.
  • Adapted and developed  3 day Perspectives 360 Training the Trainer course.
  • 5 x Perspectives 360 Facilitator Trainers trained through the delivery of one 3 day Perspectives 360 Training the Trainer course.
  • Adapted and developed  a one day Perspectives 360 Facilitator training course.
  • Trained Perspectives 360 Facilitators.
  • Engaged 300 SME managers in lifelong learning (50 managers per country).
  • Carried out survey and prepared report on the use of Perspectives 360 (both Facilitators and SME managers) and impact on the performance of managers.
  • Prepared set of Perspectives 360 case studies featuring Facilitators and SME managers.
  • Prepared 6 x national dissemination seminars in all partner countries.
  • Created a national and European stakeholder database.
  • Published articles featuring the SME management skills benchmarks and reports.
  • Created Network of 6 Perspectives 360 assessment centres.
  • Prepared a project information pack.
  • Delivered 5 x Perspectives 360 marketing workshops to stimulate interest in becoming 360 Partners in Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ireland and Greece.
  • Carried out Perspectives 360 European National Partner on-line seminars x 2.
  • Prepared Perspectives 360 Business Plans in all partner countries.
  • Assessed 300 SME Managers (50 per country) using Perspectives 360.
  • Delivered Feedback of Perspectives 360 assessment results to 300 SME managers (50 per country) and produced Personal Development Plans.

Target groups of the project are:


1. Managers from SMEs (staff size less than 10, 11-49, 50-199, 200-249; women, managers 45+, sectors- e.g. manufacturing, sustainable industries, digital, services).
2. VET agencies/trainers.
3. Project partners.
This project is financed by European Commission. The content of this message may not correspond to the opinion of European Commission and does not bring it under responsibility.