Strategic Management Games – Innovative Teaching Method for Business Education

National research projects


Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation Project
“Strategic Management Games – innovative teaching method for business education”
Project duration: 24 months (2012.02-2013.09)
Project No.: 2011-1-PL1-LEO05-19884
The specific project aim – to embed Strategic Management Virtual Games within Consortium business education through enhancing trainers’ competencies to create virtual reality and use it on strategic management training.
Overall aim – to transfer experiential and innovative teaching methods based on ICT, contributing to the quality of strategic management education.

The objectives of the project are:


  • To assess the actual competence of the selected trainers for using Virtual Games in Strategic Management.
  • To train 25 trainers on teaching Strategic Management Games,
  • To develop 8 cases ready to use in Virtual Games,
  • To develop teaching notes for the games and pilot 8 games training a group of managers on Strategic Management,
  • To amend the 8 games according to the feedback after the pilot training,
  • To develop the textbook and an article on using ICT in teaching process,
  • Disseminate results of the project in 2 international conferences.



  • Competence analysis and confirmation of Strategic Management Virtual Game topics.
  • 8 developed Virtual Game cases on Strategic Management in Poland and Lithuania.
  • 8 teaching notes for developed Virtual Games on Strategic Management.
  • Revised 8 Virtual Game on Strategic Management.
  • Revised teaching notes for Strategic Management Virtual Games.
  • Feedback on developed Strategic Management Virtual Game and teaching notes.
  • Article in the Baltic Journal of Management.
  • Textbook on Strategic Management Virtual Game method.

Target groups:


  • Direct – educators & trainers dealing with Strategic Management education.
  • Indirect target group are managers.
The beneficiaries are: Educators and trainers, enterprises, training providers, and students.

Project partners: 

  • Poznan University of Economics (Poland)
  • Wielkopolska Chamber of Commerce and Industry for bridging education and business (Poland)
  • ISM University of Management and Economics (Lithuania)
  • Karl-Franzens-University Graz (Austria)
The project has been funded with support from the European Commission under the Lifelong Learning Programme. All information reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.