Successful aging at work: An international comparison (RCL Post-Doctoral Fellowships)

National research projects


Application code: 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-19-0020


Project title: Successful aging at work: An international comparison


The aim of the project: Increase the research competence of dr. Bernadeta Goštautaitė in conducting high-level research in the area of successful aging at work. The aim of the proposed research study is to identify why sickness absence/employability increases/decreases with age and what macro-level factors (socio-economic or cultural) may strengthen or weaken the relationship between age and sickness/employability.


Expected results: The expected results are two research papers submitted to a high-level journal (AJG 4 and 3). The review process takes longer and cannot be predicted, thus, the manuscripts will be submitted but not (yet) published until the end of the post-doctoral project. We see the expected value in several ways. First, the study will have a direct significant contribution to the aging at work literature. Second, the research competence of the post-doctoral fellow Bernadeta will increase significantly. The project will enable her to conduct cutting edge research in Lithuania in the future. Third, as experiences suggest, the positive impact is not limited to the fellow alone. But – due to knowledge sharing, consultations, etc. –the positive impact will spread among the faculty members at her institution (ISM) as well as other research units in Lithuania, which is highly likely, as Bernadeta is an active researcher, has many research collaborations from other Lithuanian universities (see CV) and disciplines, she also teaches and co-supervisors doctoral students. Forth, the study will provide important recommendations for practitioners, which is very important for Lithuania, as its population and workforces are aging faster than in other countries and people are working far beyond their retirement age.


Funded by: This research is funded by the European Social Fund under the No 09.3.3-LMT-K-712 “Development of Competences of Scientists, other Researchers and Students through Practical Research Activities” measure.