Tax Structures and the impact of demographic change (RCL Post-Doctoral Fellowships)

National research projects


Application code: 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-19-0194


Project title: Tax Structures and the impact of demographic change


The aim of the project: It is worthwhile to fund this project because it will provide dr. Aras Zirgulis with the skills and experience to begin publishing in higher-level academic journals. By having a deeper understanding of tax structures and demographic issues, both of which are crucial for economic development in Lithuania and the rest of the EU, A. Zirgulis will be more able to add valuable insights to academic discussions and policymaking. In addition, in his role as a lecturer, he will be able to impart more experience and knowledge to upcoming generations. With this funding, he will have the opportunity to go deeply into this subject, learn from his supervisor, and acquire vital analytical and econometric skills. This funding would free up me from his heavy teaching load and allow him to study more.


Expected results: Dr. Aras Zirgulis plans to publish the research results in a series of 3 academic papers in high-ranked international journals (ABS level 3 or 2). All 3 of these articles will be submitted and under review by the end of the project. The author also plans to present the results at 2 high-level international academic conferences (for example, ZEW Public Finance Conference). This research will act as an opening to the study of how tax structure and demographic change are related. Future policymakers could use the results as an additional tool to guide policy-making, and researchers will be able to use the results for further study.


Funded by: This research is/was funded by the European Social Fund under the No 09.3.3-LMT-K-712 “Development of Competences of Scientists, other Researchers and Students through Practical Research Activities” measure.