Transfer of experiential and innovative teaching methods for business education

National research projects


Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation Project
 „Transfer of experiential and innovative teaching methods for business education“ 
No. 2010-1-PL1-LEO05-11462
Project coordinator:
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu;
Project manager – Maciej Pietrzykowski;
Contact person: Aleksandra Gaweł
Project partners:
Navigator Consulting Advisors Limited Liability Partnership;
ISM University of Management and Economics;
Wielkopolska Chamber of Commerce and Industry;
Elmfield House Associates Limited;
Project duration: 01/10/2010 – 01/10/2012
The specific project aim is to embed case teaching method within Polish, Lithuanian, as well as other partner countries business education through enhancing trainers’ competencies to write and teach using case method.
Overall aim of the project is – to transfer and develop experiential and innovative teaching methods contributing to the quality of business education.

The objectives of the project are:


  • To assess the actual competences of the selected trainers for case writing and teaching. To assess most needed topics for cases
  • To train 30 trainers on case writing
  • To develop 6 cases on Polish and Lithuanian business development identified topics (2 business development cases and 4 – cases on specific management topics)
  • To train 30 trainers on case teaching
  • To develop case teaching notes and pilot 6 developed cases training a group of managers on Business development
  • To amend the 6 cases according to the feedback after the pilot training
  • To develop the textbook on case writing and teaching based on the project experience
  • To develop one article on case usage in adult education
  • Disseminate results of the project in 2 international conferences
Target groups of the project are: direct – educators & trainers dealing with business education. Indirect target group are managers.
The beneficiaries of the project are: Educators and trainers, enterprises, trainer training institutions, training providers, and students.
In respect to the project aim and objectives high-qualified partners from different countries were selected: UK, Greece, Poland and Lithuania.
The project results are: 30 trained trainers, 6 cases in English, Polish and Lithuanian languages, textbook for case writing and teaching, one article in the Baltic Journal of Management, as well as 2 international conferences.
The project has been funded with support from the European Commission under the Lifelong Learning Programme. All information reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.