
From socialism to capitalism: Low-skill-biased change in the Baltics during the transition and beyond

TalTech Journal of European Studies, 13(1), 253-285

Generative artificial intelligence as a new context for management theories: Analysis of ChatGPT

Central European Management Journal, 31(1), 3-13

Trade theory vs reality: the banana trade war

The International Trade Journal, 37(5), 502-518

To retire or not to retire? Teachers' motivation to work in post-retirement in Lithuania: Stories and Sourcebook

In J. Briscoe, M. Dickmann, D. Hall, W. Mayrhofer & E. Parry (Eds.), Understanding Careers Around the Globe (pp. 183-191). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing

Tiriamieji darbai

Vilniaus Vytauto Didžiojo gimnazijos praktinė konferencija „Šiuolaikinė pamoka augančiame Vilniuje“, sausio 5d., 1-32

Understanding hubris and heuristics in CEO decision-making: Implications for management

Organizational Dynamics, 52(2), 1-11

Architektūros tvarumo principai ir bendradarbiavimas: praeities, dabarties ir ateities tendencijos

Archiforma, 1-2(84-85), 64-79

Sustainable construction ecosystem - 3D printing-based business models

In 6th European Operations Management Association Sustainable Operations and Supply Chains Forum,18-19 March (pp. 15-15). Gothenburg: European Operations Management Association

Seeing attractive nature as a means to decrease the propensity to cheat

In Book of Abstracts of the 27th International Association People-Environmental Studies Conference, Global Challenges – Local Impacts, 5-8 July (pp. 208-208). Lisbon, Online: IAPS

International career: what attracts Lithuanian talent?

Journal of EU Research in Business, 1-10