
Exploring the factors affecting international transfer of career capital

In Proceedings of the European Academy of Management 2021 Annual Conference, Montréal (pp. 1-41). Montréal

Bringing global expertise home: Deconstructing and reshaping current understanding and conceptualisation of the international transfer of career capital possessed by self-initiated repatriates

In The 26th Nordic Academy of Management Conference, 24-26 August (pp. 1-11). Örebro: NFF

International transfer of career capital possessed by self-initiated repatriates

In European Academy of Management Conference (virtual), 4-6 December (pp. 1-3). Dublin: EURAM

Different stages of the international transfer of career capital: Insights from the experiences of self-initiated repatriates (SIRs)

In Global Mobility of Employees 2nd International Conference on Self-Initiated Expatriation, 11-12 April (pp. 1-38). Bamberg: GLOMO

The international transfer of individual career capital: Exploring and developing a model of the underlying factors

Journal Of Global Mobility, 10(3), 392-415

"Isn't it ironic !?!" Mobility researchers go sedentary: A group auto-ethnography on collective coping and care in pandemic times

Gender Work And Organization, 29(1), 273-300

Global value chains and middle income trap in Central and Eastern Europe

In The European Trade Study Group Twenty-first Annual Conference, 12-14 September 2019, University of Bern, World Trade Institute (pp. 1-23). Bern: ETSG

Global value chains, skills and innovation activities in firms: Conceptual issues

In 6th Academy of International Business Central Eastern European (AIB-CEE) Chapter Annual Conference: „International Business in the Dynamic Environment: Changes in Digitalization, Innovation and Entrepreneurship”. Book of abstracts (pp. 70-70). KTU leidykla "Technologija"

Public R&D under different electoral rules: Evidence from OECD countries

In The Inaugural Baltic Economic Conference, Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania, Vilnius, June 11-12, 2018 (pp. 1-1). Vilnius: Baltic Economic Association

Transition in post-communist economies: Plain or creative destruction? evidence from Lithuania

In 31st Annual Meeting, Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics. 27th-29th June, 2019 (pp. 1-16). New York City: SASE