
Playbook para docentes en Emprendimiento Sostenible

Universidad de La Frontera

Which public relations and communications agency should I choose? A new competency model for a smarter supplier selection

In P. C. López-López, D. Barredo, Á. Torres-Toukoumidis, A. De-Santis, & Ó. Avilés (Eds.), Communication and Applied Technologies: Proceedings of ICOMTA 2022 (pp. 433-445). Springer, Singapore

Study 3: boosting circular consumption: origin cues drive the subjective intrinsic value of used or remodelled goods; Chapter 3: Tokenisation system: Incentivisation and behavioural insights methodologies

Leuven: Pop-Machina

Multi-scale model to improve resilience of MSMEs and local communities to disasters: socioecosistemic approach

In 16º Congresso Brasileiro de Sistemas, 20 e 21 de outubro (pp. 1-3). Centro Universitário Municipal de Franca – Uni-FACEF, Brazil

Knowledge management and innovation: issues, gaps, applications and opportunities

In J. Liebowitz (Ed.), A Research Agenda for Knowledge Management and Analytics (pp. 107-120). Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd

Presenter symposium: Silence in and around organizations: New insights and implications for future research

In Academy of Management Proceedings (1, pp. 1-45). Academy of Management

The power of language in envisioning opportunities and the slippery slope of fiction: Paper Session #1: Role of narratives and fictions in organisation creation / Sub-theme 51: Organization-in-Creation: The Processes and Practices of Entrepreneuring

In 37th Online European Group for Oranizational Studies Colloquium, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU), 8-10, July (37, pp. 1-26). Amsterdam: European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS)

A multilevel governance model for interorganizational project networks

Project Management Journal, 54(1), 88-105

What drives parents to co-create? Moderating role of ideological orientation and individualism

In European Academy of Management Conference, 15-17 June (pp. 1-39). Zurich: EURAM

Organizational purpose and public relations in hybrid organizations

In Book of Abstracts of the 29th International Public Relations Research Symposium BledCom July 1-2 (pp. 124-125). Bled: BledCom