The impact of authentic leadership on followers’ self-actualization
In Academy of Management Annual Meeting: West meets East (pp. 1-1). San Antonio: Academy of Management
Intuicijos vaidmuo verslo sprendimų priėmimo procese
Lietuvos taikomųjų mokslų akademijos mokslo darbai, 6, 91-102
Explaining authentic leadership work outcomes from the perspective of self-determination theory
Management of organizations: systematic research, 65, 63-75 by project managers: Previous research, present findings, and future directions
In IPMA Research Conference 2020 (pp. 1-15). IPMA
The role of origin positioning in food product preference formation: Healthiness bias and perception of uncertainty perspectives [Doctoral dissertation]
ISM University of Management and Economics
Research Organizations’ Dynamic Capabilities and Research Performance: The Moderating Role of Partners [Doctoral dissertation]
ISM University of Management and Economics
Substantiation of Multidimensional Marketing Information System: Concept and Model [Doctoral dissertation]
ISM University of Management and Economics
Transformation of the Employees’ Relations Under the Influence of the Application of Information Technologies [Doctoral dissertation]
ISM University of Management and Economics