
Age, Work Engagement and Individual Work Performance: The Influence of Work Design [Doctoral dissertation]

ISM University of Management and Economics

Household Mortgage Interest Rate Type Choice Management in a Financial Institution [Doctoral dissertation]

ISM University of Management and Economics

Active Portfolio Management Strategy Using Regime-Switching Implied Volatility Model [Doctoral dissertation]

ISM University of Management and Economics

Maturity of Evaluation in Institutions and its Links to Performance in the Public Sector [Doctoral dissertation]

ISM University of Management and Economics

The Role of the Telework Environment and the Linkages to Employee Creativity [Doctoral dissertation]

ISM University of Management and Economics

Investment Fund Risk Mitigation and Performance Improvement Through Dynamic Portfolio Management in Market Turmoil Periods [Doctoral dissertation]

ISM University of Management and Economics

The Impact of Social Media Marketing on New Venture Performance [Doctoral dissertation]

ISM University of Management and Economics

Leader-Member Relationships in the Family Business Context [Doctoral dissertation]

ISM University of Management and Economics

The Impact of New Product Innovativeness on its Performance in Retail: Moderating Role of Commercial Environment [Doctoral dissertation]

ISM University of Management and Economics

Factors leading to research performance in higher education context: a qualitative inquiry

In 34th EGOS Colloquium: Surprise in and around Organizations: Journeys to the Unexpected (pp. 1-31)