Illuminating the dark side of anthropomorphism: Mechanisms of the uncanny valley phenomenon
In M. Awdziej, & J. Tkaczyk (Eds.), Extending Boundaries: The Impact of the Digital World on Consumers and Marketing (pp. 13-32). Kozminski University times four: how does customer participation shape consumer brand identification during the new product creation process A conceptual model proposal
Procedia Computer Science, 204, 370-377 seminal works on resource-based view and resource dependence theory: The case of entrepreneurial research organization
Organizacijų vadyba: sisteminiai tyrimai, 87, 21-42 beautiful nature motivate to work? Outlining an alternative pathway to nature-induced cognitive performance benefits
New Ideas in Psychology, 66, 1-10 power of the past: Consumer nostalgia as a coping resource
In A. Gershoff, R. Kozinets, & T. White (Eds.), Advances in Consumer Research Volume 46 (pp. 467-468). Duluth: University of Minnesota
Assessing consumer preferences for foreign and domestic products before and during an economic crisis: a longitudinal examination
In AMA Conference: Better marketing for a better world, February 17-19. Orlando, FL, United States
Book Review: Margaret Moore, A Political Theory of Territory
Political studies review, 15(2), 261-261 orientation and teamwork climate linkage in health care institutions: the role of calling and prosocial motivation
In D. Vrontis, Y. Weber, & E. Tsoukatos (Eds.), Global and national business theories and practice: bridging the past with the future (pp. 2044-2047). EuroMed Press
Book Review: Carlo Galli, Janus’s Gaze: Essays on Carl Schmitt
Political studies review, 15(2), 264-265 Review: Dimiter Toshkov, Research Design in Political Science
Political studies review, 15(2), 312-313