
Identification of Linguistic Markers of Insight and Intuition Using Computer-Assisted Text Analysis: Brief report

Journal Of Creative Behavior, 56(2), 296-303

Preferred Leader Behaviour in the Business Sector of Lithuania: Follower Diversity Perspective

Organizations and Markets in Emerging Economies, 9(2), 272-291

Comparative assessment of the impact of electricity consumption in different economic sectors on the economic development of the EU member states

Energies, 14(24), 1-14

Linking corporate governance, ownership structures and financial leverage perspectives. Current status and implications for future research

In J. Baldauf, & S. M. Graschitz (Eds.), Theorie und praxis aus rechnungswesen und wirtschaftsprüfung: nationale und internationale entwicklungen: festschrift für Univ.-Prof. Dr. Rudolf Steckel (pp. 111-121). Wien: LexisNexis

CSR policies and financial risks under stakeholders’ aggressive actions

In R. Schmidpeter, N. Capaldi, S. O. Idowu, & A. S. Herrera (Eds.), International Dimensions of Sustainable Management: Latest Perspectives from Corporate Governance, Responsible Finance and CSR (pp. 133-150). Springer

Product design innovation and functional innovation effects on consumers adoption of soft furniture

In V. Škudienė, J. Li-Ying, & F. Bernhard (Eds.), Innovation Management (pp. 58-71). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited

Financial borrowing by local state-owned enterprises in Serbia: An assessment of national practice

Journal Of Central Banking Theory And Practice, 9(1), 45-59

Reducing older workers’ sickness absence: The moderating role of perceived fairness

Work, Aging and Retirement, 6(2), 130-136

Cultural antecedents to the normative, affective, and cognitive effects of domestic versus foreign purchase behavior

Journal of Business Economics and Management , 18(1), 100-115

Long-term care in Denmark and Lithuania – A most dissimilar case

Social Policy & Administration, 51(4), 659-675