Financial asset valuations: The total demand approach
The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 72, 123-131 is domestic, it must be healthy: How health consciousness and consumer ethnocentrism shape healthiness perception and purchase intentions of domestic food
Organizations and Markets in Emerging Economies, 10(2), 196-211 Role of Human Capital in the Implementation of Healthcare Innovation in the UAE
In V. Pereira, M. Neal, Y. Temouri, & W. Qureshi (Eds.), Human Capital in the Middle East A UAE Perspective (pp. 275-310). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham caring for staff wellbeing through performance management
Human Resource Management (Zarzadzanie Zasobami Ludzkimi), 136(5), 13-34
Human resource management–research performance linkage in higher education institutions
Management: Journal of Contemporary Management Issues, 26(1), 149-168 of the Relationship Between Innovation Policy and Economic Growth in the Context of Electoral Institutions [Doctoral dissertation]
ISM University of Management and Economics
Feedback intervention influence on individual performance [Doctoral dissertation]
ISM University of Management and Economics
Knowledge sharing and secrecy in inter-firm cooperation [Doctoral dissertation]
ISM University of Management and Economics