
Exploring the link between CSR formalisation and responsible HRM practices

In 11th International human resource management conference. Aston Business School, the UK, 9-12 June (pp. 1-12). Aston

Disclosing the meaning of responsible human resource management

In R. Springer, & P. Chadraba (Eds.), Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference on Marketing and Business Strategies for Central & Eastern Europe (pp. 51-60). Vienna : Inst. of Internat. Business, Vienna Univ. of Economics and Business Administration

Drivers and performance outcomes of Responsible Care: The case of Lithuanian Chemical Industr

Economics and Management, 15, 597-604

Integrating people with disability into the workforce: the case of a retail chain

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, 29(5), 534-538

Disclosing HRM-performance linkage: Current research status and future directions. HR function developments in Lithuania

Transformations in Business & Economics, 9(2), 303-317

HR function developments in Lithuania

Baltic Journal of Management, 5(2), 218-241

E-admin: case study

In T. M. Cooney (Ed.), Cases in European Entrepreneurship (pp. 85-96). Dublin: Dublin Institute of Technology

Attitudinal and behavioural outcomes of responsible human resource management

In The 1st Israeli Global Human Resource Management Conference (GHRM), November 23-25. Karmiel, Israel

Responsible human resource management and its outcomes in the private and public sector organisations

In The 7th International Conference of the Dutch HRM network: Evidence based HRM, November 10-11. Groningen, The Netherlands

Organisational and psychological empowerment in the HRM-performance linkage

Employee Relations, 34(2), 138–158