
The linkage between HRM, CSR and performance outcomes

Baltic Journal of Management, 7(1), 5-24

Corporate social responsibility at Kraft Foods Lietuva: to be or not to be socially responsible?: case study

Poznan : Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of innovation project

Human Resource Management in the Central and Eastern European Region

In E. Parry, E. Stavrou, & M. Lazarova (Eds.), Global Trends in Human Resource Management (pp. 103-121). Palgrave Macmillan London

Diversity-related human resource management and performance linkage: Does acting responsibly help organisations perform better?

In 13th International Human Resource Management Conference: Uncertainty in a Flattening World: Challenges For IHRM, June 24-27. Krakow, Poland

Translating sustainability principles into HRM

In D. Dobija (Ed.), 15th European Academy of Management Annual Conference (pp. 1-33). Kozminski University

Corporate social responsibility at Kraft Foods Lietuva: to be or not to be socially responsible?

In J. Poór, & A. D. Engle (Eds.), Internationalisation and Globalisation in Human Resource Management – Focus on Central and Eastern Europe (pp. 225-236). Nova Science Publishers Inc

Įmonių socialinės atsakomybės ir socialiai atsakingo žmogiškųjų išteklių valdymo sąsajos: koncepciniai pagrindai

In S. Žičkienė (Ed.), Socialinė atsakomybė versle ir viešajame sektoriuje (pp. 109-121). Šiauliai : Šiaulių universiteto bibliotekos Leidybos skyrius

Employability of older workers in a changing labor market: The case of a post-soviet country

In H. Merchant (Ed.). Handbook of Contemporary Research on Emerging Markets (pp. 174-195). Edward Elgar Publishing

How does career capital influence academic staff performance and perceived marketability in the context of international mobility?

In Xth International Workshop on HRM (Human Resource Management), October 27-28. Cadiz, Spain

International academic mobility – who, why and how?

15th International HRM conference: IHRM, June 13-15. Madrid, Spain