
Longitudinio Lietuvos švietimo lyderystės raiškos tyrimo metodologija ir instrumentai

Longitudinio Lietuvos švietimo lyderystės raiškos kaitos tyrimo metodologijos ir instrumentų tyrimas. ŠMM Švietimo aprūpinimo centras

Managing occupational stress in human service nonprofit organizations in Mykolaiv, Ukraine

Organizations and Markets in Emerging Economies, 4(2(8)), 64-96

Issues of evaluation of management/business education: A survey of Baltic Business Schools

In The 12th International Conference on Learning: Faculty of Educational Sciences. Granada, Spain

Quality of undergraduate management studies in changing university environment

Aukštojo mokslo kokybė, 2, 166-173

The relationship between teaching methods and educational objectives in management and business administration education

Profesinis rengimas. Tyrimai ir realijos, 9, 106-121

Issues of evaluation of management/business education: A survey of Baltic Business Schools

International Journal of Learning, 12(2), 55-76

Achieving quality management education: Message from undergraduate students

The Management Journal of Institute of Productivity and Management, 6, 3-8

Management competence antecedences: The role of undergraduate education in Lithuania

The Journal of Perspective Managers, 7, 39-46

Management studies in undergraduate education: competitive advantage creation

International Journal of Learning, 13(3), 29-40

Blood donors’ motivation and attitude to non-remunerated blood donation in Lithuania

BMC Public Health, 6, 166, 1-8