
Elektroninės komercijos modeliai verslo efektyvumui didinti

Kaunas: ISM Vadybos ir ekonomikos universitetas

The evaluation of e-commerce impact on business efficiency

Baltic Journal of Management, 3(1), 71-91

The criteria to identify company’s crisis in SME sector

Engineering Economics, 26(2), 152-158

The impact of bank tax on lending margin

Engineering Economics, 32(3), 210-220

Laura at Panevėžys Juozas Balčikonis Gymnasium: case study

Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies (EEMCS) collection, 4(1), 1-8

Workaholism and individual work performance in Lithuanian and German financial sector multinational corporations: Differences between generations X and Y

In M. Rozkwitalska, Ł. Sułkowski, & S. Magala (Eds.), Intercultural Interactions in the Multicultural Workspace: Traditional and Positive Organizational Scholarship (pp. 205-226). Springer Cham

Self-motivation at Intertransgo (A collection of teaching case studies)

In R. Ramšak, & O. Veligurska (Eds.), A Collection of Teaching Case Studies (pp. 93-106). Bled: CEEMAN

Management and Leadership Development Needs: The Case of Lithuania

In D. Purg, A. B. Lalić, & J. A. Pope (Eds.), Business and Society: Making Management Education Relevant for the 21st Century(pp. 115-135). Cham: Springer

Educational Leadership and Job Satisfaction

Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education, 1-18

The role of work characteristics in enhancing older staffs’ performance: evidence from a post-Soviet country

The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 26(6), 757-782