
Work engagement during life-span: the role of interaction outside the organization and task significance

Journal of Vocational Behavior, 89, 109-119

Migration intentions of Lithuanian physicians, nurses, residents and medical students

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Using embeddedness theory to explain self-initiated expatriation intention of entry-level job applicants

Career Development International, 25(2), 69-89

HRM and work outcomes: the role of basic need satisfaction and age

International Journal of Human Resource Management, 33(2), 169-202

Healthcare professionals with calling are less likely to be burned out: the role of social worth and career stage

Career Development International, 25(6), 649-670

Customer reactions to staffs with disabilities: Opportunity for increased corporate reputation?

In D. Baldridge, M. Kulkarni, S. Bruyere, & L. Schur (Eds.), Broadening our Sight: New Directions in Disability Research, Symposia. Academy of Management Proceedings.

Receiving service from a person with a disability: Stereotypes, perceptions of corporate social responsibility, and the opportunity for increased corporate reputation

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Satisfaction with telework and the influence of telework on individual’s work-life balance in Lithuania

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Telework and its influence on staffs’ work-life balance and creativity

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Nuotolinis darbas Lietuvoje: samprata, privalumai ir iššūkiai darbuotojams

Filosofija. Sociologija, 27(4), 364-372