
Trapped in the rabbit hole: Life history strategies modulate the impact of mild stress on hedonic consumption

In A. Gershoff, R. Kozinets, & T. White (Eds.), Advances in Consumer Research Volume 46 (pp. 541-543). Duluth: University of Minnesota

Social media marketing – from tool to capability

Organizacijų vadyba: sisteminiai tyrimai, 79, 131-145

The impact of influencer marketing on purchase behaviour: The role of congruence

In A. Malter, S. M. Baker, & S. Im (Eds.), 2021 AMA Winter Academic Conference The Human Side of Marketing in an Age of Digital Transformation February 17-19 (Virtual) (pp. 801-805). American Marketing Association

The effects of innovative work practices on firm and worker outcomes: evidence from Lithuania

In International Perspectives on Participation (Advances in the Economic Analysis of Participatory & Labor-Managed Firms, Vol. 15) (pp. 121-150). Emerald Group Publishing

The speed and extent of new venture internationalisation in the emerging economy context

Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review, 3(2), 41-52

Towards the vernonian model: Internationalization process of the pure internet firm from one emerging economy to another

In Proceedings of 4th European business research conference (pp. 1-25). Londonas: Imperial College

Network research on internationalisation of firms form the emerging economies: Literature review and propositions

European Journal of Business and Economics, 10(1), 26-30

Bounded sociality view of internationalization of firms and its key concepts

In Competitiveness of the CEE Region in the Global Economy: 1st AIB-CEE Chapter conference, October 9-11. Budapest, Hungary

The resource-based view and SME internationalisation: An emerging economy perspective

Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review, 3(2), 53-64

The self-fulfilling prophecy of implementing a quality management system: A study of two government organizations in a post-socialist European country

In 33rd Annual Conference of the British Academy of Management BAM 2019, September 3-5. Birmingham, United Kingdom