
Lean implementation in the public service institution in Lithuania: A study of staff responses to experimental modernization of management

In EURAM (European Academy of Management) Conference 2018, June 19-22. Reykjavik, Iceland

Network-based macro fluctuations: evidence from Lithuania

Discussion paper series, 6, 1-27

Intersectoral network‐based channel of aggregate TFP shocks

International Journal of Finance & Economics, 1-22

Direct and network effects of idiosyncratic TFP shocks

Empirical Economics, 60(6), 2765-2793

Global intersectoral production network and aggregate fluctuations

Economic Modelling, 102, 1-15

Lietuvos mokslo būklės apžvalga

Vilnius: MOSTA

Investicijų į mokslinius tyrimus ir eksperimentinę plėtrą grąžos vertinimas

Vilnius: MOSTA

Innovation policy and economic development in peripheral regions in the context of electoral institutions

Research in Economics and Business: Central and Eastern Europe, 9(1), 48-71

American foreign policy think tanks and their views on Baltic security

Lithuanian Annual Strategic Review, 15(1), 9-41

Smithian insights on automation and the future of work

Futures, 111, 104-115