
ECB communication sentiments: how they relate to economic environment and financial markets?

World Finance Banking Symposium, December 13-15, 1-19

Communication of ECB Governing Council members: Do they speak in one voice?

12th Annual Lithuanian Conference on Economic Research, December 28, 1-33

Let us take a walk to the sustainable tourism practices: a qualitative study through the lens of tourism experts

Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 31, 12892–12915

Coping with radical changes in the nature of work: the role of sustainable HRM: Academy of Management Symposium „Lessons from recent developments in careers: Clues to the new normal?“

In Academy of Management Proceedings (2023, 1, pp. 1-1). Academy of Management

Intuition in organizations: New theoretical and methodological perspectives: Accessing intuition through linguistic markers

In Academy of Management Proceedings (2023, 1, pp. 1-1). Academy of Management

Pasinerti plačiai atmerktomis akimis

Nemunas, 10, 4-9

2023 m. Lietuvos projektų valdymo aplinkos tyrimas: Baigiamoji ataskaita

Vilnius: Autoriai; ISM Vadybos ir ekonomikos universitetas

Strategic organizational changes: Adopting datadriven decisions

Strategic Change, 33(2), 107-116

Environmental sustainability practice among SMEs companies using evolutionary game theory

In 1st Interdisciplinary Workshop on Sustainability and ESG Dynamics, October 26-27 (pp. 6-6). Castellanza: European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management

Trust in influencer marketing: Factors influencing followers’ perceptions in the Baltic countries

In R. F. Correia, D. Venciūtė & B. M. Sousa (Eds.), The Role of Brands in an Era of Over-Information (pp. 1-20). Hershey: IGI Global