Asta Lisauskienė

International Business and Communication programme director, ISM doctoral student in Management
asta.lisauskiene@ism.ltGoogle ScholarAsta Lisauskienė is the director of International Business and Communication bachelor’s programme and also a PhD student at the Management Department at ISM University of Management and Economics. She holds a BSc in Business Administration and Real Estate Management, also MSc in International Business from VILNIUS TECH. Doctoral studies came as a natural next step to Asta, after working more than ten years in the real estate field as a real estate valuer and forensic expert.The research area that inspires Asta is the outcomes and psychological aspects of various real estate decisions. More specifically, she analyzes the influence of the environment on people’s behavior, health, and decision-making. Her research investigates the future of the workplace in hybrid business models, where home offices meet office spaces and help people flourish, and thrive.