Dr. Fabio Sgarbossa

Fabio Sgarbossa
Dr. Fabio Sgarbossa

Visiting professor at ISM, professor, Leader of the Production Management Research Group and Head of the Logistics 4.0 Lab at NTNU in Norway

fabsga@faculty.ism.ltGoogle Scholar

Fabio Sgarbossa is Full Professor of Industrial Logistics at the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (MTP) at NTNU (Norway) from October 2018. He was Associate Professor at University of Padova (Italy) where he also received his PhD in Industrial Engineering in 2010. He is leader of the Production Management Group at MTP and he is responsible of the Logistics 4.0 Lab at NTNU. The main activities of his research are: design and management of industrial logistics and production systems, supply chain management and logistics networks, technological innovation and digitalization in logistics, materials handling and warehousing, material management and inventory control, maintenance and reliability, human factors in logistics and industrial systems, health care logistics and humanitarian logistics. He has been and he is involved in several European and National Projects. He is author and co-author of about 150 publications in relevant international journals, about industrial logistics, material handling, materials management, supply chain. He is Associate Editor for International Journal of Production Research and member of Organizing and Scientific Committees of several International Conferences, and he is member of editorial boards in relevant International Journals.

Research areas

  • Supply Chain Management
  • Operations Management
  • Logistics
  • Digitalization

Teaching areas

  • Supply Chain Management
  • Operations Management
  • Logistics
  • Digitalization