Dr. Francesco Rosati

Francesco Rosati
Dr. Francesco Rosati

Visiting lecturer at ISM, Associate Professor at Centre for Technology Entrepreneurship, Technical University of Denmark

fraros@faculty.ism.ltORCIDGoogle Scholar

Francesco Rosati is Associate Professor and Group Leader in Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the Centre for Technology Entrepreneurship, Technical University of Denmark, and Research Fellow at the Department of Management, Society and Communication of Copenhagen Business School.His research focuses on the role of business in society and is dedicated to studying how entrepreneurship and business model innovation can contribute to the sustainable development agenda. He is currently leading a research project that delves into regenerative business and its implications for individual and collective wellbeing. His scholarly work has been published in journals such as Business Strategy and the Environment and Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. His research on business contribution to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals was awarded with the 2020 Tietgen Award by the Danish Society for Education and Business.Francesco received his PhD from University of Rome Tor Vergata (2015) and his MSc from University of Bologna (2011).

Research areas

  • Sustainable Business Models
  • Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Innovation
  • Corporate Sustainability

Teaching areas

  • Business Design for Sustainability
  • Sustainable Business Models
  • Sustainable Entrepreneurship
  • Corporate Sustainability
  • Technology Entrepreneurship