Dr. James Francis Reardon

Dr. James Francis Reardon

Visiting professor at ISM, Department Chairperson and Professor of Marketing at University of Northern Colorado

jamrea@faculty.ism.ltGoogle Scholar


  • PhD, University of North Texas. Area of Study: Marketing
  • MBA, University of Montana. Area of Study: General Business
  • BS, University of Montana. Area of Study: Decision Information Systems

Professional/Academic Experience

  • Director, (2012 – Present)

Professional Memberships

  • Direct Marketing Educational Foundation.
  • Journal of Marketing Education – Editorial Board. (2007 – Present).
  • Marketing Educators Association – Board of Directors. (2004 – Present).
  • Marketing Educators Association. (2003 – Present).
  • Academy of Marketing Science. (1994 – Present).

Research areas

  • International Marketing
  • Marketing Research
  • Retail Management

Teaching areas

  • International Marketing
  • Marketing Research
  • Retail Management


Venciūtė, D., Karalius, L., Auruškevičienė, V., & Reardon, J. (2023). Employee advocacy on social media and the way it affects attitudes toward the brand: the role of parasocial relationships. In Proceedings of the American Marketing Association Conference, 31 July (Virtual), 4-6 August (34, pp. 543-550). San Francisco: American Marketing Association
Venciūtė, D., Karalius, L., Reardon, J., & Auruškevičienė, V. (2023). The impact of staffs’ social media advocacy on attitudes toward the brand: the mediating role of parasocial relationships. Journal of Product and Brand Management, 32(8), 1374-1387. https://doi.org/10.1108/JPBM-12-2022-4253
Dikčius, V., Pikturnienė, I., Pakalniškienė, V., Reardon, J., & Šeimienė, E. (2019). Adolescents’ engagement in parental purchase decisions of durable goods: scale development and validation. Journal of customer behaviour, 18(1), 35-60. https://doi.org/10.1362/147539219X15633616548506
Reardon, J., Vianelli, D., & Auruškevičienė, V. (2017). Assessing consumer preferences for foreign and domestic products before and during an economic crisis: a longitudinal examination. In AMA Conference: Better marketing for a better world, February 17-19. Orlando, FL, United States.
Auruškevičienė, V., Gaivenytė, R., & Reardon, J. (2017). The impact of market orientation on organizational innovativeness. In 8th Annual global business conference 2017, Dubrovnik, September 27th – 30th,2017 (pp. 22-22). Dubrovnik: Innovation institute
Conner, S. L., Reardon, J., Miller, C., Šalčiuvienė, L., & Auruškevičienė, V. (2017). Cultural antecedents to the normative, affective, and cognitive effects of domestic versus foreign purchase behavior. Journal of business economics and management, 18(1), 100-115. https://doi.org/10.3846/16111699.2016.1220975
Auruškevičienė, V., Škudienė, V., & Reardon, J. (2016). Consumer perceived corporate ethicality impact on retail store loyalty. In The 7th European Business Research Conference, December 15-16. Rome, Italy.
Skudiene, V., Auruskeviciene, V., & Reardon, J. (2016). Fostering business students’ creativity using arts based education: in an interdisciplinary approach. In L. Gómez Chova, A. López Martínez, & I. Candel Torres (Eds.), INTED2016 Proceedings, 10th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (pp. 5698-5704). IATED Academy.
Škudiene, V., Čertokas Š., McCorkle D., & Reardon J. (2015). The effect of e-shops’ service quality on Lithuanian consumers’ purchase intentions. International Journal of Business, Marketing and Decision Sciences, 8(1), 43-59.
Škudienė, V., McCorkle, Y. L., Reardon, J., & Vaitiekunaite, D. (2014). Customer perceived value influence on manufacturer and private label brands repurchase intentions. Journal of International Business Management & Research (JIBMR), 5(15), 94-99.
Škudienė, V., Clinebell, S., Trijonytė, R., & Reardon, J. (2013). Impact of leadership styles on staff organizational commitment. Journal of Service Science, 6(1), 139-152.
Škudienė, V., Everhart, D. D., Šlepikaitė, K., & Reardon, J. (2013). Front-line staffs’ recognition and empowerment effect on retail bank customers’ perceived value. Journal of Service, 6(1), 105-116.
McCorkle, D., Reardon, J., Auruškevičienė, V., & Škudienė, V. (2012, April 19-21). Faculty adaptation to foreign student learning styles and expectations. In E. Petkus, Jr, & D. B. McCabe (Eds.), Marketing Educators’ Association: 2012 Annual Conference Proceedings Marketing Education: Experiencing New Frontiers (pp. 231-234). Long Beach, CA, United States.
Miller, C., Škudienė, V., & Reardon, J. (2012). Managing customer loyalty in the entertainment industry in a transitional economy. Review of Management Innovation & Creativity, 6(18), 114-129.
Škudienė, V., Dallas, D. E., Kaminska, M., & Reardon, J. (2012). Cross-gender conflict management styles and staff attitudinal outcomes: the mediating role of empowerment and trust. Journal of knowledge and human resource management, 4(6), 13-26.
Škudienė, V., Auruškevičienė, V., Reardon, J., & Štangej, O. (2011). The effect of emotional intelligence on project outcomes. Transformations in Business and Economics, 10(1), 125-137.
Reardon, J., McCorkle, D., Auruškevičienė, V., & Škudienė, V. (2009). The effect of culture on consumer e-commerce adoption. In Proceedings of the 38th Annual Meeting of the Western Decision Sciences Institute (p. 584). Hilton Kauai beach resort- Kauai, Hawai.
Reardon, J., Auruskeviciene, V., Salciuviene, L., McCorkle, D., & Skudiene, V. (2008). The effect of culture on consumer intellectual property theft: an exploratory analysis. In L. Fuxman, N. Delener, F. V. Lu, & L. E. Rivera-Solis (Eds.), Tenth International Conference of the Global Business and Technology Association: Evolution and Revolution in the Global Knowledge Economy: Enhancing Innovation and Competitiveness Worldwide (pp. 917-922). The Global Business and Technology Association.


Reardon, J., Auruskeviciene, V., Salciuviene, L., McCorkle, D., & Skudiene, V. (2008). The effect of culture on consumer intellectual property theft: an exploratory analysis. In L. Fuxman, N. Delener, F. V. Lu, & L. E. Rivera-Solis (Eds.), Tenth International Conference of the Global Business and Technology Association: Evolution and Revolution in the Global Knowledge Economy: Enhancing Innovation and Competitiveness Worldwide (pp. 917-922). The Global Business and Technology Association.
Reardon, J., McCorkle, D., Auruškevičienė, V., & Škudienė, V. (2009). The effect of culture on consumer e-commerce adoption. In Proceedings of the 38th Annual Meeting of the Western Decision Sciences Institute (p. 584). Hilton Kauai beach resort- Kauai, Hawai.
Reardon, J., Vianelli, D., & Auruškevičienė, V. (2017). Assessing consumer preferences for foreign and domestic products before and during an economic crisis: a longitudinal examination. In AMA Conference: Better marketing for a better world, February 17-19. Orlando, FL, United States.
Auruškevičienė, V., Gaivenytė, R., & Reardon, J. (2017). The impact of market orientation on organizational innovativeness. In 8th Annual global business conference 2017, Dubrovnik, September 27th – 30th,2017 (pp. 22-22). Dubrovnik: Innovation institute
Auruškevičienė, V., Škudienė, V., & Reardon, J. (2016). Consumer perceived corporate ethicality impact on retail store loyalty. In The 7th European Business Research Conference, December 15-16. Rome, Italy.
Conner, S. L., Reardon, J., Miller, C., Šalčiuvienė, L., & Auruškevičienė, V. (2017). Cultural antecedents to the normative, affective, and cognitive effects of domestic versus foreign purchase behavior. Journal of business economics and management, 18(1), 100-115. https://doi.org/10.3846/16111699.2016.1220975
Dikčius, V., Pikturnienė, I., Pakalniškienė, V., Reardon, J., & Šeimienė, E. (2019). Adolescents’ engagement in parental purchase decisions of durable goods: scale development and validation. Journal of customer behaviour, 18(1), 35-60. https://doi.org/10.1362/147539219X15633616548506
McCorkle, D., Reardon, J., Auruškevičienė, V., & Škudienė, V. (2012, April 19-21). Faculty adaptation to foreign student learning styles and expectations. In E. Petkus, Jr, & D. B. McCabe (Eds.), Marketing Educators’ Association: 2012 Annual Conference Proceedings Marketing Education: Experiencing New Frontiers (pp. 231-234). Long Beach, CA, United States.
Miller, C., Škudienė, V., & Reardon, J. (2012). Managing customer loyalty in the entertainment industry in a transitional economy. Review of Management Innovation & Creativity, 6(18), 114-129.
Skudiene, V., Auruskeviciene, V., & Reardon, J. (2016). Fostering business students’ creativity using arts based education: in an interdisciplinary approach. In L. Gómez Chova, A. López Martínez, & I. Candel Torres (Eds.), INTED2016 Proceedings, 10th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (pp. 5698-5704). IATED Academy.
Venciūtė, D., Karalius, L., Auruškevičienė, V., & Reardon, J. (2023). Employee advocacy on social media and the way it affects attitudes toward the brand: the role of parasocial relationships. In Proceedings of the American Marketing Association Conference, 31 July (Virtual), 4-6 August (34, pp. 543-550). San Francisco: American Marketing Association
Venciūtė, D., Karalius, L., Reardon, J., & Auruškevičienė, V. (2023). The impact of staffs’ social media advocacy on attitudes toward the brand: the mediating role of parasocial relationships. Journal of Product and Brand Management, 32(8), 1374-1387. https://doi.org/10.1108/JPBM-12-2022-4253
Škudienė, V., Auruškevičienė, V., Reardon, J., & Štangej, O. (2011). The effect of emotional intelligence on project outcomes. Transformations in Business and Economics, 10(1), 125-137.
Škudienė, V., Clinebell, S., Trijonytė, R., & Reardon, J. (2013). Impact of leadership styles on staff organizational commitment. Journal of Service Science, 6(1), 139-152.
Škudienė, V., Dallas, D. E., Kaminska, M., & Reardon, J. (2012). Cross-gender conflict management styles and staff attitudinal outcomes: the mediating role of empowerment and trust. Journal of knowledge and human resource management, 4(6), 13-26.
Škudienė, V., Everhart, D. D., Šlepikaitė, K., & Reardon, J. (2013). Front-line staffs’ recognition and empowerment effect on retail bank customers’ perceived value. Journal of Service, 6(1), 105-116.
Škudienė, V., McCorkle, Y. L., Reardon, J., & Vaitiekunaite, D. (2014). Customer perceived value influence on manufacturer and private label brands repurchase intentions. Journal of International Business Management & Research (JIBMR), 5(15), 94-99.
Škudiene, V., Čertokas Š., McCorkle D., & Reardon J. (2015). The effect of e-shops’ service quality on Lithuanian consumers’ purchase intentions. International Journal of Business, Marketing and Decision Sciences, 8(1), 43-59.